Message Mappers
A message mapper turns domain code into a Brighter Message. A Brighter Message has a MessageHeader for information about the message. Key properties are: TimeStamp, Topic, and Id. The Message also has a MessageBody, which contains the payload.
The messageType parameter tells the Dispatcher that listens to this message, how to treat it, as a Command or an Event. Brighter's Dispatcher dispatches a Message using either commandProcessor.Send() for MT_COMMAND or commandProcessor.Publish() for MT_EVENT.
Typically, you serialize your request as the MessageBody for in MapToMessage and serialize your MessageBody into a request in MapToRequest.
The body is a byte[] and as such we can support any format that can be converted into a byte[] as the message body.
Because message oriented middleware typically looks in a header for routing information, you add your routing information in the MessageHeader.
Each individual transport has code to turn a Brighter format message into a message oriented middleware compatible message, and vice versa, so your code only needs to translate to and from the Brighter format.
Writing A Message Mapper
We use IAmAMessageMapper<T> to map between messages in the External Bus and a Message.
You create a Message Mapper by deriving from IAmAMessageMapper<TaskReminderCommand> and implementing the MapToMessage() and MapToRequest methods.
An example follows:
Brighter Message Structure
Brighter divides a message into two parts:
Header: The header contains metadata (data about the message). It is typically used to control how we process the payload or provide additional context about it.
Body: The body contains the payload, which is usually the Command or Event being raised for the consumer to action
The Message Header
The Message Header has a number of Brighter defined properties and a bag that can be used for user-defined properties.
Common Properties
Id(GUID): The identifier for this message
Topic(string): The topic this message should be sent to, used to route the message in most transports
MessageType (enum): The type of message: (Unacceptable (not translated), None (null object), Command, Event, Document, Quit (terminats a pump))
CorrelationId (GUID): Is this message a response to another message (usually an event reply to a command), if so this is the id that links them
ReplyTo (string): A topic to reply to. In a request-reply set this to tell the receiver where to send replies
ContentType (string): Normally, allow the MessageBody (below) to set this.
PartitionKey (string): Where consistent hashing is used to partition a stream, what is the value to partition on
Brighter Properties
DelayedMilliseconds (int): If we chose to retry with a delay, how long for?
HandledCount (int): How many times have we tried to handle this message
Telemetry (MessageTelemetry): Open Telemetry information for the message
In MapToMessage, the topic parameter on the MessageHeader controls the topic (or routing key) which we use when publishing a message to the external bus. We use this value when using the SDK for the message oriented middleware transport to publish a message on that transport.
For this reason it is the MessageMapper that controls how messages published to the external bus are routed.
The Message Body
The Message Body stores the content for transmission over a transport as a byte[]. This supports both plain text and binary payloads. Your choice of payload type is constrained by what the transport requires or supports.
In many cases the easiest option is to send the payload as plain text, as this is the easiest to inspect if you need to debug your messages. In this case the simplest path is to serialize the Command or Event as JSON and deserialize from that JSON. MessageBody contains a constructor that takes a string with two optional parameters, a media type (which defaults to application/json) and a character encoding type for the string (which defaults to CharacterEncoding.UTF8),
which can be used as follows (or omitting the default parameters)
If your payload is binary, then we provide two constructors that can be used to write bytes. For backwards compatibility these constructors also default to application/json and UTF-8. However, if you have binary content we recommend setting the media type to application/octet-stream and the character encoding to either CharacterEncoding.Base64 if it needs transmission as a string, or CharacterEncoding.Raw if not).
For example, when writing a Kafka payload with leading bytes indicating the schema id, you would want to use a binary payload because conversion to and from a UTF8 string is lossy. Here we serialize the payload with the Kafka header (Magic Byte (0) + Schema Id Bytes) and a JSON payload using the Confluent Serdes serializer. Even though we serialize to JSON, because of the header bytes we treat the payload as binary:
The Value property of the MessageBody returns a string depending on the character encoding type of the body. If you do not set a character encoding then we assume a standard UTF8 string; if you set the character encoding to base64 or raw, we return a base64 string; if you set the character encoding to ascii we will return an ascii string.
Options for System.Text.Json Serialization
The most common solution to serialization of the message payload is to use System.Text.Json to convert the message's metadata to JSON for sending over a messaging middleware transport. You can adjust the behavior of this serialization through our JsonSerialisationOptions. See Brighter Configuration for more on how to set your options.
You can then use this, when you want to set options consistently for message serialization.
Some concerns are orthogonal to how you map a IRequest into a Message or how you map a Message into an IRequest. Instead they concern how we process that Message. A typical list of such concerns might include: handling large message payloads (compression of moving to a distributed file store), encryption, registering or validating schema, and adding common metadata to headers.
A Transform is a middleware that runs as part of the pipeline we use to map a IRequest into a Message or how you map a Message into an IRequest. A transform implements an IMessageTransformAsync. (All transforms are async).
When we wrap the source is the Message Mapper and the transform is applied to the Message that you generate from the IRequest in your MapToMessage.
You indicate that you wish to wrap a Message Mapper with the WrapWithAttribute associated with the IMessageTransformAsync you want to apply to the Message you have created from the IRequest. In the example below we use a ClaimCheck to move large message payloads (those over the threshold) into a luggage store (for example an S3 bucket).
When we unwrap the sink is the Message Mapper and the transform is applied to the Message before you turn it into an IRequest in your MapToRequest.
You indicate that you wish to unwrap a Message Mapper with the UnwrapWithAttribute associated with the IMessageTransformAsync you want to apply to the Message before you create your IRequest. In the example below we use a RetrieveClaim to retrieve a large message payload (most likely stored by a Claim Check in a luggage store) that will provide the body of our Message before we deserialize it to the IRequest.
Transform, Wrap and Unwrap
Usually your WrapWithAttribute and UnwrapWithAttribute are paired and opposite. Usually they associate with a common IMessageTransformAsync that implements support for both transforms: the WrapWithAttribute results in the WrapAsync method of the transform being called (the Message is passed to it); the UnwrapWithAttribute results in the UnwrapAsync method being called (again the Message is passed to it).
Both the WrapWithAttribute and the UnwrapWithAttribute are a type of TransformAttribute
To implement a TransformAttribute you need to create a derived type that overrides the GetHandlerType to return the type of your IMessageTransformAsync.
Step specifies the order in which a transform runs (attributes are not guaranteed to be made available in top-down order by reflection). This can be important in transforms. Imagine that you want to compress any message over 256Kb, but because a large enough message might still not be small enough after compression, a message that is still over 256Kb to distributed storage. In this case you would want to make sure that the step value for compression was lower than the step value to offload to distributed storage.
Passing Parameters to a Transform
If you want to pass parameters to your transform, they must be available at compile time as arguments to your derived TransformAttribute. The parameters of your attribute's constructor can be set from an attribute. Your attribute can then store these parameters in private fields. We call your derived attributes InitializeParams method after instantiating your IMessageTransformAsync, and pass the values to that object via either the InitializeWrapFromAttributeParams or InitializeUnwrapFromAttributeParams as appropriate for the type of TransformAttribute (either WrapWithAttribute or UnwrapWithAttribute).
So in this example, the ClaimCheck takes a parameter for the threshold at which point we move the body of the message into distributed storage as opposed to serializing it in the message body.
Message Transformer Factory
Because we do not know how to construct user-defined types, you have to pass us a IAmAMessageTransformerFactory that constructs instances of your IMessageTransformAsync.
Normally, you implement this using your Inversion of Control container. We provide an implementation for the .NET Inversion of Control container ServiceCollection with ServiceProviderTransformerFactory. You need a reference to the following NuGet package:
If you are using HostBuilder, our extension methods mean that you benefit from automatic inclusion of the ServiceProviderTransformerFactory and registration of your IMessageTransformAsync.
Last updated
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