MySQL Inbox


The MySQL Inbox allows use of MySQL for Brighter's inbox support. The configuration is described in Basic Configuration.

For this we will need the Inbox packages for the MySQL Inbox.

  • Paramore.Brighter.Inbox.MySql

private static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
        .ConfigureServices(hostContext, services) =>
            ConfigureBrighter(hostContext, services);

private static void ConfigureBrighter(HostBuilderContext hostContext, IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddServiceActivator(options =>
        { ...  })
            new MySqlInbox(new MySqlInboxConfiguration("server=localhost; port=3306; uid=root; pwd=root; database=Salutations", "Inbox");
            new InboxConfiguration(
                scope: InboxScope.Commands,
                onceOnly: true,
                actionOnExists: OnceOnlyAction.Throw


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