Feature Switches
We provide a FeatureSwitch Attribute and FeatureSwitchAsync Attribute that you can use on your IHandleRequests<TRequest>.Handle() method, and IHandleRequests<TRequest>.HandleAysnc() method. The FeatureSwitch Attribute and FeatureSwitchAsync Attribute that you have configured will determine whether or not the IHandleRequests<TRequest>.Handle() and IHandleRequests<TRequest>.HandleAsync() will be executed.
Using the Feature Switch Attribute
By adding the FeatureSwitch Attribute or FeatureSwitchAsync Attribute, you instruct the Command Processor to do one of the following:
run the handler as normal, this is FeatureSwitchStatus.On.
not execute the handler, this is FeatureSwitchStatus.Off.
detemine whether to run the handler based on a Feature Switch Registry, creating of which is described later.
In the following example, MyFeatureSwitchedHandler will only be run if it has been configured in the Feature Switch Registry and set to FeatureSwitchStatus.On.
In the second example, MyIncompleteHandlerAsync will not be run in the pipeline.
Building a config for Feature Switches with FluentConfigRegistryBuilder
We provide a FluentConfigRegistryBuilder to build a mapping of request handlers to FeatureSwitchStatus. For each Handler that you wish to feature switch you supply a type and a status using a fluent API. The valid statuses used in the builder are FeatureSwitchStatus.On and FeatureSwitchStatus.Off.
Implementing a custom Feature Switch Registry
The FluentConfigRegistryBuilder provides compile time configuration of FeatureSwitch Attributes. If this is not suitable to your needs then you can write you own Feature Switch Registry using the IAmAFeatureSwitchRegistry interface. The two requirements of this interface is a MissingConfigStrategy, and an implementation of StatusOf(Type type) which returns a FeatureSwitchStatus.
The MissingConfigStrategy determines how the Command Processor should behave when a Handler is decorated with a FeatureSwitch Attribute that is set to FeatureSwitchStatus.Config does not exist in the registry.
Your implementation of the StatusOf method is used to determine the FeatureSwitchStatus of the Handler type that is passed in as a parameter. How you store and retrieve these configurations is then up to you.
In the following example there are two FeatureSwitches configured in the AppSettings.config. We then build an AppSettingsConfigRegistry. The StatusOf method is implemetned to read the config from the App Settings and return the status for the given type.
Setting Feature Switching Registry
We associate a Feature Switch Registry with a Command Processor by passing it into the constructor of the Command Processor. For convenience, we provide a Commmand Processor Builder that helps you configure new instances of Command Processor.
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